Morning News 86 domestic online games approved in May, Nissan’s super hybrid electric-powered Qijun is listed

86 Chinese online games approved in May, Nissan's super hybrid Qijun now available

【PhoneAuto Morning News】Recently, the National Press and Publication Administration released the approval information of domestic online games in May, with a total of 86 games approved, including NetEase’s “Seven Days World” and Tencent’s “Ace Warrior 2”. On the evening of May 22nd, Dongfeng Nissan Super Hybrid Electric Drive Qijun was officially launched. The new car has two models: the Super Hybrid Dual Motor Four-Wheel Drive Luxury Edition and the Super Hybrid Dual Motor Four-Wheel Drive Extreme Edition, with official guide prices of 189,900 yuan and 199,900 yuan, respectively.

86 domestic online games were approved in May, including games under Tencent and NetEase

Data shows that last year, the National Press and Publication Administration issued a total of 513 new game version numbers, a decrease of 32.18% compared to the same period last year. Among them, 468 were domestic game version numbers and 45 were imported game version numbers. On May 22nd, the National Press and Publication Administration released the approval information of domestic online games in May, with a total of 86 games approved, including NetEase’s “Seven Days World” and Tencent’s “Ace Warrior 2”. In addition, games such as “Warriors and Adventures”, “Cooking Paradise”, and “Total War” are also on the approval list.

Hybrid and fuel-powered vehicles at the same price! Nissan Super Hybrid Electric Drive Qijun officially launched for less than 190,000 yuan

From the appearance, the Nissan Super Hybrid Electric Drive Qijun is not much different from the previous fuel-powered models. It continues to use Nissan’s V-Motion3.0 design language, and the large inverted V-shaped chrome-plated and trapezoidal grille on the front face is still very eye-catching. The new car uses the popular split LED headlights, and the Nissan logo in the middle of the grille also uses the latest flat brand logo design of the electric SUV Ayria, which looks more technological.

Nissan Hybrid Electric Drive Qijun

Ready to go! Shenzhou 16 has arrived at the Jiuquan Launch Center and will be launched at an appropriate time

According to the China Manned Space Agency, on May 22, 2023 Beijing time, the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft and the Long March 2F Y10 carrier rocket have been transported to the launch area at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The launch site facilities and equipment are in good condition. Subsequent functional checks and joint tests before the launch will be carried out as planned, and the launch will be carried out at an appropriate time in the near future. At that time, the six astronauts of the two crews of Shenzhou 15 and 16 will rendezvous with the space station. This will also be the second in-orbit handover of the two crews of the Chinese space station.

Ideal Motors welcomes OTA 4.5 version of the car upgrade! Added Little Master mode

On May 22, Ideal Motors announced that it will push OTA 4.5 version of the car system for Ideal L9, Ideal L8, and Ideal L7 users from May 26, 2023. It is reported that this new version adds the tuning master function and the Little Master mode, and optimizes the navigation experience, software applications, and other aspects.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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