Domestic mobile phones popularized with 24GB of large memory! Who is the happiest, the app developers?

'App developers rejoice as domestic mobile phones now offer 24GB of large memory!'

【Phoneauto】This year, the price reduction of memory products has saved the mid-range smartphone market. Smartphone manufacturers have released 16GB+1TB memory smartphones and achieved great success.

OPPO has released a set of data: among the over 1 billion smartphone users in China, over 500 million users use mid-range smartphones. The problem of insufficient memory in mid-range smartphones has been eliminated by manufacturers. It can be seen that mid-range smartphones have become the focus of major smartphone manufacturers in competing for market share.

OnePlus, which has always been aggressive, has not stopped in the second half of the year. It recently announced the global debut of the 24GB super memory, once again improving the smooth experience of smartphone users. However, the industry’s first 24GB memory smartphone was actually the Red Magic 8S Pro series, which was released at the beginning of last month. The significance of OnePlus Ace 2 Pro is that it aims to popularize 24GB memory, which is more significant.

In fact, the domestic app ecosystem is most happy to see this situation. For those app developers, directly expanding the memory usage within the app is a lower-cost “optimization” method. However, if all developers think this way, the entire app ecosystem will become chaotic.

In general, the running memory belongs to the virtual memory of the phone, and the storage memory belongs to the physical memory. The former provides a common running environment for various apps, while the latter is used to store pictures, videos, and other data. In terms of experience, both are important, but the running memory is generally more important because the larger it is, the smoother the phone will be, and the smaller the storage memory is, the less impact it will have in the short term.

Nowadays, the increase in memory capacity seems to be unable to keep up with the expansion speed of apps. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many users complaining that there is not enough memory. The more the phone is used, the slower it becomes, and apps always crash, which is an experience that many users have. But if the storage space of the phone is not large enough, after a period of time, you will need to clean up the space to continue using it, which is also painful.

Some users are limited by cost and choose 8GB of RAM plus 128GB of storage memory. This combination is not enough for making increasingly sophisticated apps or games. Therefore, eliminating 8GB has become a consensus among Android phone manufacturers.

In February of this year, Li Jie proposed the slogan “performance phones should eliminate 8GB of memory”. He believes that memory capacity is strongly associated with smooth experience. If the product is aimed at users who value performance experience, they will be more sensitive to application opening speed and app background retention rate. Therefore, 8GB of memory is no longer sufficient.

The popularity of 24GB of RAM is a good thing for users, but it also gives some app developers more room for laziness. Since device memory has increased, instead of working hard to optimize, it is more direct to continue expanding memory usage. In the end, it is the consumers who suffer. Memory manufacturers, phone manufacturers, and app developers were supposed to progress together, but the reality is that some app developers are keen on being lazy, which leads to continuous expansion of applications.

The most typical example is WeChat, which is no longer a “small and beautiful” app, but a big and bloated one. Behind this may be the ambition of WeChat, wanting to benchmark other applications in various aspects, such as news benchmarking Toutiao, and e-commerce benchmarking JD and Taobao. How can such a WeChat not be bloated?

But it’s okay, phone manufacturers will take action.

According to previous leaks, the Oujia series (OPPO, OnePlus, and Realme) will collectively raise the ceiling of phone memory to 24GB, and there will also be a standard 16GB version. In addition to the OnePlus Ace 2 Pro, which will debut with 24GB of super memory, it is said that the flagship of the Realme GT 5 series may also bring a 24GB+1TB version.

This scene naturally cannot be without Redmi. The Redmi K60 Ultimate Edition, which was released on August 14th at 7pm, also offers a 24GB+1TB version, with more than 70 background applications running. However, Redmi did not promote it as the main focus. Lu Weibing calmly stated on Weibo, “It’s not difficult, just choose.”

However, OnePlus’ intention is not only to be the first to release a 24GB memory, but more importantly, the tuning. Li Jie, the president of OnePlus China, said that on the OnePlus Ace 2 Pro, OnePlus not only brings 24GB super memory, but also a series of core technologies and excellent tuning, which can maximize the experience of 24GB memory. This is indeed something to look forward to.

Speaking of which, 16GB is already large enough, and it can run more than 40 background apps. Do users really need such a large 24GB memory?

Of course not. Technological advancements do not necessarily mean that demands will follow. Many users even feel that 12GB of RAM and 128GB of memory are sufficient, which depends on each person’s usage habits and needs.

Take my phone as an example. It has 8GB of RAM and 128GB of memory. I don’t have a heavy demand for gaming, and most of the time, I don’t feel any lag. Among the apps that take up memory are “League of Legends: Wild Rift,” “QQ Music,” “Gaode Maps,” and a few other commonly used apps and mobile games. Including other apps, the 128GB of memory is almost completely used up, with only 20GB remaining, but there are very few cases of lag.

Before the appearance of 24GB memory, there were also some gaming phones that used 18GB or 20GB memory specifications. If regular phones were equipped with such specifications, the significance would not be very significant. In fact, OnePlus dares to popularize it not because of consumer demand, but because the positioning of the OnePlus Ace 2 Pro and other new models leans more towards performance. The same goes for the Realme GT 5 and Redmi K60 Ultimate Edition. At the same time, the price of memory products has dropped this year, allowing OnePlus to better control costs.

Instead of pursuing larger memory, it is better to allocate the budget to storage space. For example, 1TB is now almost a standard configuration for mid-range phones in China, and it can also enhance the user experience. Of course, if your needs are strong, and even have creative requirements, it is better to have both.

Although large memory on mobile phones may seem excessive now, it is not a problem for users who pursue smoothness, multitasking, large storage capacity, and have sufficient budget. However, what users really want to see now is optimization catching up. It seems that domestic app developers in China have prioritized expanding memory usage and overlooked how to improve memory operating efficiency.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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