JDcom’s latest mobile phone sales ranking for the 618 shopping festival Apple dominates the top four spots, while Redmi refuses to be outdone

Apple dominates top 4 spots in JDcom's latest mobile phone sales ranking for 618 shopping festival, Redmi competes strongly

【PhoneAuto News】JD 618 Promotion has been fully launched! On June 6th, according to the JD mobile phone daily (as of 13:00) single product sales list, iPhone 14 Pro Max won the first place, and has been in the top three for five consecutive days.

iPhone 14

Specifically, the current popularity of the number one iPhone 14 Pro Max in sales is 9.61 million, with a total of 310,000 positive reviews; iPhone 14 Pro won the second place with a current popularity of 5.7 million and a total of 270,000 positive reviews, also in the top three for five consecutive days; a bit unexpectedly, iPhone 13 won the third place, with a current popularity of 830,000 and a total of 1.56 million positive reviews, and has been in the top three for three consecutive days; iPhone 14 ranked fourth, with a current popularity of 5.16 million and a total of 540,000 positive reviews. It is worth mentioning that the number of positive reviews for iPhone 13 is the sum of the other iPhone models, which shows the high cumulative sales volume.

JD Mobile Phone Single Product Ranking

Following closely behind are a group of Android phones, with Redmi K60 ranking fifth, with a current popularity of 68.94 million. Among the top ten rankings, the other models are OPPO K9x, Redmi K60E, Redmi Note12 Turbo, Redmi Note 11, and Redmi Note 12. Overall, Redmi and Apple’s mobile phones are currently the most popular among consumers. Of course, the key to helping brands increase sales during the JD 618 promotion is the strength of the discounts.

Some JD Mobile Phone Single Product Rankings

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the mobile phone single product ranking, JD also has daily sales rankings for new products, potential brand sales, folding screen rankings, and other rankings, which may be helpful for those who want to buy a new phone recently.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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