Apple will update the iPhone 12 to comply with radiation standards and is expected to lift the ban

Apple to update iPhone 12 to meet radiation standards, ban likely to be lifted

【phoneauto News】According to a recent report by Reuters, Jean-Noel Barrot, the French Minister for Digital Transformation and Telecommunications, stated in an interview that Apple must stop selling the iPhone 12 models in France due to exceeding radiation levels. On September 15, phoneauto noticed that Jean-Noel Barrot, the French Minister for Digital Transformation and Telecommunications, posted on the social media platform X, stating that Apple will release an update for the iPhone 12 in the coming days as requested by the French radiation regulatory agency ANFR. Jean-Noel Barrot stated that ANFR is preparing to conduct a quick test on the aforementioned update, and if it passes the test, the model will comply with the EU standards implemented in France, and the sales ban is expected to be lifted.

Recently, Apple stated that the iPhone 12 has obtained certifications from multiple international organizations and has been confirmed to comply with SAR regulations and standards applicable worldwide. We have provided results from multiple Apple and independent third-party laboratories to France and French representatives to prove its compliance.

It is worth mentioning that this incident not only involves France. The German network regulatory agency BNetzA also stated that they may initiate a similar investigation procedure and maintain close contact with the French authorities. In addition, the Spanish consumer and user rights organization (OCU) has also urged the Spanish authorities to stop selling the iPhone 12 and requested Apple to provide a reasonable explanation as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the Dutch digital regulatory agency announced that they are investigating a French report claiming that Apple’s iPhone 12 violates the EU’s radiation exposure limits.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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