WeChat may be banned in Australia, official response Do not agree with the description of the company

Australian officials do not agree with the description of WeChat, but it may face a ban

【phoneauto News】Recently, phoneauto noticed that a social media committee under the Australian Senate released a report this week, stating that foreign social media applications such as Facebook, Twitter (referred to as “X” in the report), WeChat, and TikTok (overseas version of Douyin) must meet minimum transparency requirements, otherwise they will face fines or even be banned. Currently, WeChat and TikTok have both responded to this matter. Among them, WeChat stated in a statement that although it does not agree with the report’s description of the company, it will continue to cooperate with Australian stakeholders to address any further concerns and ensure that Australians can continue to connect with others through WeChat.

Mobile WeChat

It is reported that the social media committee that requires foreign social media applications to meet minimum transparency requirements is mainly responsible for investigating social media interference in certain affairs. This week, the committee recommended in the report that foreign social media companies need to comply with strict new standards to protect Australian users’ data. They pointed out that in order for these platforms to continue operating in Australia, they should establish entities in Australia so that Australian requirements can be legally enforced.

According to data previously released by Tencent, the total number of users of WeChat and its overseas version, WeChat, has reached about 1.3 billion. However, Tencent has not disclosed the number of WeChat users in various regions, so it is currently unknown the total number of users of WeChat’s overseas version. Currently, according to incomplete statistics from the Australian government, the number of Chinese living in Australia is close to 1 million, and a considerable number of them may be users of WeChat’s overseas version, WeChat.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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