New form of battery products? Bick Battery launches semi-solid state battery products

Bick Battery introduces semi-solid state battery products

【Phoneauto News】On October 12th, Shenzhen Beke Power Battery Co., Ltd. released its first series of semi-solid-state lithium batteries, which simultaneously balance energy density, cycle life, and extreme safety performance. Currently, Beke’s semi-solid-state batteries have passed rigorous testing, with no liquid leakage during short circuits and no ignition during needle puncture tests. They are about to be applied to explosion-proof and safe mobile communication devices.

It is reported that solid-state batteries are divided into three types: semi-solid-state, quasi-solid-state, and all-solid-state. They have broad application prospects in the fields of mobile devices, wearable devices, electric vehicles, etc., and have become a hot spot in the new energy industry.

Liu Zhibo, Vice President of Beke Battery, stated that Beke Battery has successfully developed electrolytes suitable for semi-solid-state batteries and in-situ solidification technology. With the achievements of mixing and coating of positive and negative solid-state electrolytes, the ion conductivity and positive/negative electrode interface have been effectively optimized. The batteries have passed the 3mΩ short circuit without liquid leakage test and the 3mm needle puncture without ignition test, ensuring battery safety performance.

Based on the aforementioned cutting-edge product technology, Beke Battery has started to cooperate with internationally renowned explosion-proof and safe mobile communication equipment suppliers. The new solid-state batteries will be used in mining and military communication and other consumer electronic products, creating explosion-proof safety solutions with excellent “explosion-proof application batteries”.

Liu Zhibo is confident in the development of the solid-state battery business: “With the upgrade and iteration of Beke’s semi-solid-state batteries, the application scenarios will expand to professional and consumer-grade drones, bicycles, vehicle batteries, energy storage, and many other fields, and the planned production capacity will exceed 12GWh.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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