Weird! Lucid recalls thousands of cars seats can cause burns to passengers due to overheating

Unusual Discovery Lucid Issues Recall for Thousands of Car Seats Due to Overheating and Potential Risk of Passenger Burns

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, PhoneAuto learned from foreign media that electric car manufacturer Lucid has issued a recall notice due to a potential safety issue. It was discovered during the investigation that the heated seats in some models have a defect that could cause excessive temperature and even burn passengers. The root of this problem is that certain software versions in specific circumstances disable the active temperature monitor of the rear seat heater.

Lucid Automotive

It is reported that Lucid first discovered this issue in August of this year when a car owner reported that the rear seat was burned. The company then conducted an investigation and received complaints from three other customers. One car owner stated that they got burned when touching the damaged seat. Further investigation revealed that this problem is most likely to occur when the rear seat heater is turned on, seat belts are fastened, and pressure is applied. If someone has not yet left the parked vehicle or if a child seat is still on the seat, this situation may occur.

Fortunately, the solution to this problem is simple. Lucid has discontinued the software versions with the issue and no longer allows the seat heater to be turned on without monitoring. Currently, the company has released a new software update to resolve this issue. These updates have been distributed to all affected Lucid vehicles to prevent similar problems in the future.

Lucid stated that as part of the recall, the company will compensate all vehicle owners for the expenses incurred due to this problem. They will take responsibility for addressing this issue and providing the necessary support and services for the owners.

A total of 1,267 vehicles from Lucid have been affected by this defect, with software versions 2.1.0 to 2.1.20 having the issue.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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