BYD responds to being included in the list of abnormal business operations the company’s production and operations are all normal

BYD denies abnormal business operations and states that their production and operations are normal

【PhoneAuto News】On June 1st, PhoneAuto noticed that according to relevant news, on May 30th, BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd. was listed in the business abnormal list by the Pingshan Bureau of the Shenzhen Market and Quality Supervision Administration because it could not be contacted through its registered residence or business premises according to the information displayed by Tianyancha App. Currently, this incident has attracted the attention of many netizens.

BYD Auto

On the afternoon of June 1st, BYD official has responded to this matter. They stated that after checking and confirming, BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd. has not been listed in the business abnormal list, and the company’s production and operation are all normal.

According to the information that can be found, BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd. was established in August 2006. The legal representative is Wang Chuanfu, with a registered capital of about 3.758 billion US dollars. The business scope includes R&D of automobiles, electric vehicles and their spare parts, sales of electronic special materials, battery manufacturing, resource recycling technology R&D, ore selection, and international ship agency, etc. Currently, the largest shareholder of the company is BYD Company Limited, holding 96.7866% of the shares.

BYD official response

According to the data previously released by the official in early May, BYD sold 210,000 vehicles in a single month in April 2023, compared with 106,000 vehicles in the same period last year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 98.3%. At the same time, in the first four months of 2023, BYD sold a total of 761,200 new energy vehicles, compared with 391,200 in the same period last year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 94%. In addition, BYD’s automobile production in the first four months of 2023 was 776,600 vehicles, leading the growth rate of sales, reaching 96.61% year-on-year growth rate.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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