BYD’s electric vehicle sales almost surpassed Tesla, executive’s speech opens up the situation

BYD's EV sales nearly exceed Tesla, executive's speech reveals the situation

【Phoneauto News】Recently, Phoneauto noticed that Li Ke, Executive Vice President of BYD, stated that despite the EU launching an anti-subsidy investigation against Chinese electric vehicles, BYD will continue to drive strong growth in Europe.

Li Ke said, “We are a listed company and need to manage in a transparent and open manner when sharing information. Therefore, we are not worried about any ongoing investigations in Europe.” “In the third quarter of this year, BYD almost surpassed Tesla to become the world’s largest pure electric vehicle sales company.” “We really have no intention of comparing with Tesla on a larger scale.” “We hope Tesla is very successful because the more successful they are, the more they can help people understand electrification.”

According to statistics, in the third quarter of 2023, BYD sold 821,000 passenger vehicles, including 431,600 pure electric vehicles and 390,400 plug-in hybrids. Tesla produced a total of 430,500 electric cars worldwide and delivered 435,100, with year-on-year growth of approximately 18% and 27% respectively, and month-on-month declines of 10.3% and 6.7% respectively. Therefore, in the third quarter, BYD’s pure electric vehicle sales were only 3,456 units lower than Tesla, with a very small gap.

Currently, both BYD and Tesla’s sales are still growing rapidly. Among them, BYD’s car sales in September 2023 have reached 287,500 units, a year-on-year increase of 42.8%. Tesla has launched the new version of Model 3 and the new Model Y, and has also reduced prices again in regions such as the United States, with expectations of reaching new highs in the fourth quarter.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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