Changsha tests horn-capturing devices, which captures real-time images of illegal horn honking

Changsha tests horn-capturing devices to capture real-time images of illegal horn honking

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, PhoneAuto noticed that according to the Changsha Evening News, in order to curb noise pollution and purify the road traffic environment, the Changsha traffic police have launched “whistle and horn capture” equipment. The high-tech equipment can capture and record real-time violations of noisy vehicles, and has been gradually put into use on multiple road sections in urban areas since the 15th. When a vehicle honks its horn, the system can accurately lock onto the vehicle and quickly mark it with a special pattern on the real-time screen, as well as synchronizing the vehicle information, violation time and location.

It is reported that the trial run of the “whistle and horn capture” equipment includes the Bajie Road section of Furong District, the intersection of Wuyi Avenue and Yingbin Road in Furong District, the intersection of Jiefang Road and Sanwang Street in Tianxin District, the intersection of Dongfanghong Road and Shangyue Road in Yuelu District, the intersection of Yuelu Avenue and Jinxing Road in Yuelu District, the intersection of Jinxing Road and Xianjiahu Road in Yuelu District, the intersection of Fenglin Road and Aimin Road in Yuelu District, the intersection of Yingpan Road and Cai’e Road in Kaifu District, the intersection of Huahou Road and Xiangfeng Road in Yuhua District, the intersection of Jiayun Road and Guyuan Road in Gaoxin District, the intersection of Lusong Road and Linyu Road in Gaoxin District, the intersection of Tongzipo Road and Lugu Avenue in Gaoxin Road, the intersection of Fenglin Third Road and Lusong Road in Gaoxin District, etc. Interested netizens can pay attention to it.

In addition, according to the previous announcement jointly issued by the Changsha Public Security Bureau and the Changsha Ecological Environment Bureau on the implementation of the ban on motor vehicle horns in the urban area of Changsha, starting from June 15th, the urban area of Changsha will implement a ban on motor vehicle horns. From 0:00 to 24:00 every day, all roads (excluding border roads) within the encirclement area of the northern, western, and southern sections of the Changsha Expressway (from Yangzichong Interchange to Lijiatang Interchange) and the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway (from Lijiatang Interchange to Yangzichong Interchange) will prohibit motor vehicles from honking their horns.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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