China Automobile Industry Association Firmly opposes trade protectionism Only through cooperation can we have a future

China Automobile Industry Association firmly opposes trade protectionism Cooperation is essential for a prosperous future

【Phoneauto News】The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers announced on its official WeChat account that on October 4th, the European Commission issued a notice, announcing an anti-subsidy investigation against Chinese electric vehicles. This move by the European side will seriously disrupt the global automotive industry supply chain. We express regret and firm opposition to this.

The Sino-European automotive industry has extensive cooperation space and common interests. The two sides have been deeply cooperating for more than 40 years and have already formed a pattern of reciprocity. We respect our European counterparts in the automotive industry and express our admiration for their innovations in the industry. We are also willing to continue to strengthen cooperation and common development with our European counterparts in the field of electric vehicles. The Chinese automotive industry adheres to the path of green, low-carbon, and sustainable development, which is completely consistent with the development direction of the European Union. The Chinese market is the largest overseas market for many European Union car companies, and European Union car companies have witnessed the growth of the Chinese electric vehicle industry. The Chinese electric vehicle market is a highly competitive market and is definitely not dependent on subsidies for protection, which is a clear fact. The European Union’s disregard for this fact and its insistence on launching an anti-subsidy investigation is a clear act of protectionism, which will cast a shadow over the development of the global electric vehicle industry, delay the development process of the global electric vehicle industry, including the European Union, and have an adverse impact on the global carbon neutrality process.

The Sino-European automotive industry is a partnership rather than a competitor. The development of the automotive industry relies on fair competition, not protectionism. We will continue to strengthen cooperation with the European Union automotive industry, consolidate and develop the Sino-European automotive industry cooperation relationship through more ways, and bring better products and services to consumers in Europe and around the world.

The foundation of cooperation in the automotive industry between China and Europe is strong, with enormous potential. The Chinese automotive industry is willing to actively engage in dialogue and communication with the European Union industry, and through cooperation, address each other’s concerns and achieve common development. We hope that the European side will create favorable conditions for this, rather than setting up obstacles, in order to support the joint efforts of the two industries and build the automotive sector as a model of win-win cooperation between China and Europe.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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