China has become South Korea’s largest exporter of electric vehicles for three consecutive months, surpassing Germany.

China Outshines Germany as South Korea's Top Electric Vehicle Exporter for Third Consecutive Month

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, PhoneAuto learned from foreign media that Tesla electric cars made in China ranked first on the electric car import list in South Korea. In addition, China has surpassed Germany to become South Korea’s largest exporter of electric vehicles.

Tesla Car

According to data from the Korea International Trade Association (KITA), the total amount of electric cars imported from China to South Korea in October reached $172 million. This number is more than twice the amount of electric cars imported from Germany ($70 million). Following August, this is the third consecutive month that China has become South Korea’s largest exporter of electric vehicles.

In the second half of this year, South Korea started importing Tesla’s Model Y, which is produced in China. Previously, Tesla began selling the China-made Model Y, powered by lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, in South Korea in September. After switching to LFP batteries, the price of the model decreased by approximately 20 million South Korean won. According to data from the Korea Automobile and Mobility Association (KAMA), Tesla’s sales in South Korea increased from 696 units in August to 4,501 units in September, a growth of 6.5 times.

In the commercial vehicle market in South Korea, including buses and trucks, Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers are also rising rapidly. In particular, the discontinuation of South Korean automakers’ small commercial vehicles Damas and Labo has provided an opportunity for Chinese electric cargo trucks to quickly fill the gap. According to new vehicle registration data from the CarIsYou Data Research Institute, the sales of Chinese electric cargo trucks have exceeded 2,300 units from January to October this year. Since the release of the one-ton electric cargo truck SE-A produced by the Chinese automaker Geely in South Korea in June, the sales have already exceeded 600 units.

Finally, foreign media mentioned that on the other hand, South Korea’s car exports to China are negligible.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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