Global electric vehicle exports accounted for three times the share in China in five years, with China being the world’s largest exporter in terms of total volume

China, the world's largest electric vehicle exporter, has seen its global exports triple in the past five years

【Phoneauto News】With the rise of new energy vehicles in recent years worldwide, domestic car brands in China, which previously had a relatively low presence in the international automobile market, have also gradually begun to make their way into the world with the help of new energy vehicles. According to Nikkei Chinese website, compared to 5 years ago, the number of electric vehicles exported from China now accounts for 8 times the proportion of global electric vehicle exports.

BYD Dolphin displayed at the Munich Motor Show

Data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) shows that by 2022, China’s share in global electric vehicle exports will reach 35%. China accounted for only 4.2% in 2018, but has seen a significant increase in the past 5 years. On the other hand, as of 2018, Japan, which was once the largest exporter of electric vehicles (accounting for 24.5%), will decrease to 9.3% in 2022, a proportion even lower than that of the United States and Europe. S&P Global predicts that Japanese automakers’ share in the global market will be around 30% in 2020, and will decrease to less than 26% by 2030. Japanese automakers have fallen behind in electrification and have failed to enhance their competitiveness in export markets. S&P Global’s Masatoshi Nishimoto said, “While exports have supported Japan’s car production amid declining domestic demand, it is necessary to consider the risk of declining domestic production in the future.”

Comparison of China-Japan car export data (source: Nikkei Chinese website)

Driven by the export of electric vehicles, China’s automobile exports have also experienced significant growth. Recently, data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers showed that in the first half of this year, China’s total automobile exports reached 2.341 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 76.9%. During the same period, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association reported that Japan’s automobile exports were 2.02 million vehicles, and China’s semi-annual automobile exports exceeded Japan for the first time, taking the top spot in the world.

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