Chinese experts predict that the penetration rate of new energy commercial vehicles will exceed 15% by 2025.

Chinese Experts Forecast New Energy Commercial Vehicle Penetration Rate to Exceed 15% by 2025

【PhoneAuto News】Currently, China’s new energy vehicle industry is developing rapidly, driving China to become the world’s largest automobile producer and exporter. On December 7, PhoneAuto noticed that at the 5th World New Energy Vehicle Conference, Li Kaiguo, Chairman of the China Society of Automotive Engineers and Director of the Carbon Neutrality Technology Innovation Platform for Commercial Vehicles, expressed an important viewpoint.

Expected penetration rate of new energy commercial vehicles to exceed 15% by 2025 Expected penetration rate of new energy commercial vehicles to exceed 15% by 2025

Li Kaiguo stated that before 2030, commercial vehicles will mainly focus on traditional fuel-efficient and low-carbon internal combustion engines, with gradual penetration of new energy commercial vehicles. After 2030, new energy commercial vehicles will develop rapidly, ultimately forming a development pattern with new energy commercial vehicles as the mainstay, a rich energy area for zero-carbon internal combustion engines, and limited existence of traditional fuel internal combustion engines.

At the same time, Li Kaiguo specifically mentioned the development trend of new energy commercial vehicles in his speech. He stated that as the purchase and usage costs of new energy commercial vehicles decrease and infrastructure construction further improves, it is expected that by 2025, the penetration rate of new energy commercial vehicles in the market will continue to increase and exceed 15%, with charging technology as the main route. By 2030 and 2040, the penetration rates of the new energy market will increase to around 30% and 75% respectively.

This speech provides us with important reference information about the future development trend of new energy vehicles. With the continuous advancement of technology and the ongoing support of policies, new energy vehicles will be widely applied and popularized in the next decade. At the same time, it also reminds us that all parties need to enhance cooperation and jointly promote the rapid and sustainable development of the new energy vehicle industry.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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