Comparison of screen sizes of four car infotainment systems. Geely Galaxy E8 has an extraordinarily wide and large screen, it’s just too awesome!

Exploring the Screen Sizes of Four Car Infotainment Systems Geely Galaxy E8 Stands Out with Exceptionally Wide and Large Display, Setting a New Standard of Awesomeness

【PhoneAuto News】With the rise of the concept of smart cars, the central control screen of cars is getting bigger and bigger. Dual screens, which used to appear mainly on luxury cars, and even triple screens, are now appearing on more affordable vehicles. This has greatly improved the overall look of cars. Recently, Geely Galaxy E8 released its interior official image, featuring a striking 45-inch 8K screen. To highlight the impact of the large screen, some comparative images of the Galaxy E8 and three other vehicles have been made, demonstrating the shock value of the Galaxy E8’s large screen.

Geely Galaxy E8 interior

From the pictures, it can be seen that the screen sizes of the NIO ES8, Tesla Model S, Ideal L9, and Galaxy E8 gradually increase. Therefore, the impact of the display is also becoming more and more stunning. For example, when watching a football game, the smallest screen area of ​​the NIO ES8 can only show the area near the center circle, while the largest screen area of ​​the Galaxy E8 can show almost the entire football field. As for displaying the value of π, the NIO ES8 can only display two decimal places, while the longest screen of the Galaxy E8 can display 27 digits. When displaying the famous painting “Along the River During the Qingming Festival,” the Galaxy E8 can also bring a stronger impact.

The funniest part is a set of comparative images using the popular “high-speed train Photoshopped image” of the recently popular Ideal MEGA pure electric MPV model as an example. In the NIO ES8, due to the limitation of the screen size, only the front of the train can be displayed, while the Galaxy E8, with its ultra-wide screen, can display the entire “high-speed train.” Netizens jokingly commented, “With this image, both Galaxy and Ideal have won, and only NIO, the injured world, has achieved.'”

According to reports, the official statement from Galaxy stated that the effective display area size of this screen is 1130mm×138mm, with an 8mm black border, a screen-to-body ratio of 98%, a thickness of 9.8mm, and innovative features. It is said that in parking mode, it supports playing games directly connected to a smartphone or controller and will also be equipped with the new generation Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 flagship cockpit chip and a brand-new vehicle system.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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