Convenient for residents’ travel, all cities in Hebei province cancel the restriction measures on motor vehicle license plate numbers

Residents' Travel Made Easier as All Cities in Hebei Province Lift Restrictions on Motor Vehicle License Plate Numbers

【PhoneAuto News】As a province adjacent to the capital Beijing, Hebei Province had previously implemented regulations on odd-even number vehicle restrictions. However, with recent announcements to cancel vehicle restrictions in Langfang and Qinhuangdao, all cities in Hebei have now canceled the odd-even number restriction measures for vehicles.

Recently, the People’s Government of Langfang City in Hebei Province released a notification stating that starting from October 23, 2023, vehicle restrictions based on license plate numbers will be lifted throughout the entire city. The People’s Government of Qinhuangdao City also issued a notification stating the suspension of vehicle number restrictions starting from October 23. With the cancellation of vehicle restrictions in the remaining two cities in Hebei, it means that the province has officially lifted the odd-even number vehicle restriction measures.

According to previous policies, multiple cities in Hebei Province, such as Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan, Langfang, Xingtai, Baoding, and Hengshui, have implemented or previously implemented vehicle number restrictions or restrictions on vehicle movement. For example, the capital city of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang, implemented odd-even number vehicle restrictions within the city area in 2014 due to reasons such as air pollution prevention/control and a sharp increase in the number of motor vehicles.

When interviewed, the responsible person from the relevant department stated that in recent times, there have been numerous calls on local government platforms from the public requesting the cancellation of vehicle number restrictions. After conducting in-depth research and soliciting opinions, the local party committees and governments have decided to temporarily suspend the implementation of odd-even number vehicle restriction measures based on the urban road traffic situation and traffic management capabilities, in order to facilitate the public’s travel.

However, in the notification, the relevant government departments stated that if the need for number restrictions arises again, advance notice will be given based on the situation.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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