Cook tweeted Apple will donate to support relief efforts in Beijing and Hebei

Cook tweeted Apple will donate to support relief efforts in Beijing and Hebei

【Phoneauto News】On August 3rd, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced on Weibo that he will donate to support the disaster relief efforts in Hebei province. He said, “Our hearts go out to the people in Beijing and the surrounding areas of Hebei province who have been severely affected by heavy rain and floods. Apple will donate to support local disaster relief efforts.”

Cook has donated multiple times to support domestic disaster relief efforts.

On October 13, 2021, when he saw the floods in Shanxi, Cook posted on Weibo, “As the Shanxi region gradually recovers, we want to contribute our strength to support the disaster relief and help with reconstruction. Apple will donate to help the affected communities.”

In September of last year, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake occurred in Luding, Sichuan. Cook posted on Weibo, expressing Apple’s concern for all the Sichuan people and communities affected by the earthquake, and pledged to donate to support rescue and reconstruction efforts.

On July 19th of this year, Apple released the “2022-2023 China Corporate Responsibility Report”. The report shows that more than 600,000 people have benefited from Apple’s disaster relief donation projects so far.

In addition to Apple, many domestic technology companies have also taken action in the face of severe floods, providing assistance for flood prevention and disaster relief through donations and public welfare rescue teams.

It is reported that ByteDance, Tencent, Alibaba, Xiaomi, Ideal Automobile, Didi, Baidu, and others have donated money and goods to support the flood-affected areas in Beijing and Hebei. Among them, ByteDance Foundation donated 100 million yuan, Alibaba Foundation donated 30 million yuan, Tencent Foundation added 100 million yuan in flood control and disaster relief donations, Xiaomi Foundation announced an emergency donation of 25 million yuan, Ideal Automobile donated 20 million yuan to support flood prevention and disaster relief work in Beijing, and BYD Charity Foundation donated 20 million yuan to the China Charity Federation.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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