Cool Knowledge! Why does iPhone have only a capital P? Turns out there are these explanations

Fascinating Facts! Discover the Reason Behind the Single Capital 'P' in iPhone

【Mobile China News】On November 6th, “Why is iPhone only in uppercase P?” trended on Weibo and garnered attention from netizens. Maybe it’s something we usually take for granted, so we haven’t thought about: why is iPhone only in uppercase P?

iPhone 15 Series iPhone 15 Series

Aside from Apple’s style of naming its products, which often involves using a lowercase “i” followed by a single uppercase letter, such as iMac, iPad, and so on. This simplified naming style also helps enhance product recognition and differentiation. But why name it this way?

It’s because Apple uses camel case for naming. Camel case is when the first letter of the first word is lowercase and the first letter of each subsequent word is uppercase, like myBooks.

Camel Case Camel Case

According to netizens, Upper Camel Case is commonly used for naming classes or interfaces, while Lower Camel Case is typically used for naming variables or functions. These naming conventions aim to improve code readability, making it easier for other developers to understand and use the code. These naming conventions have been widely adopted in various programming languages and development environments.

Some bloggers also claim that “iPhone isn’t visually appealing this way. Phone is the complete word for telephone, so P should be uppercase. Apple’s i represents mine, intelligence, innovation…” “I read an explanation before that, in order to align all the letters on a horizontal line for visual unity.” However, more information indicates that Apple’s naming follows the “Camel Case” convention.

It has been revealed by netizens that the current Apple TV box used to be called iTV when it was announced by Steve Jobs in 2006. However, due to a legal battle and failure to reach a settlement with the UK-based ITV company, it was eventually released in 2007 as Apple TV. The same goes for iWatch, which had copyright issues and was ultimately named Apple Watch.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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