Didi Chuxing and Xiaopeng Motors jointly launch a new brand to create a popular model priced at 150,000 yuan!

Didi Chuxing and Xiaopeng Motors launch new brand, offering popular model at 150,000 yuan!

【Phoneauto News】On August 28th, Phoneauto noticed that the official account of “Didi Chuxing” posted an article stating that Didi Chuxing and Xiaopeng Motors jointly announced a strategic cooperation. The two parties will leverage their respective advantageous resources to promote the application and popularization of smart electric vehicles and related technologies globally, and jointly promote the transformation of the transportation and automotive industries.

It is reported that Didi will sell relevant assets and research and development capabilities of smart electric vehicle projects to Xiaopeng Motors. Xiaopeng Motors will utilize the resources provided by Didi Chuxing to create an A-class smart electric vehicle, codenamed “MONA”, as the first product of its new brand. This model will differentiate from Xiaopeng Motors’ existing brand and is expected to be mass-produced and launched in the market by 2024. In this strategic cooperation, the two parties will also cooperate in areas such as car operation, brand marketing, financial and insurance services, charging facilities, and international markets.

Meanwhile, in order to promote a long-term win-win strategic partnership, Xiaopeng Motors will issue Class A common shares representing 3.25% of the total share capital after the transaction is completed, to acquire Didi’s smart electric vehicle project related assets and research and development capabilities. Didi will become a strategic shareholder of Xiaopeng Motors, and the lock-up period for the first batch of shares will be 24 months.

This cooperation is a deep collaboration between Didi Chuxing and Xiaopeng Motors in the field of smart electric vehicles, aiming to promote the application and popularization of smart electric vehicles and related technologies globally. Didi Chuxing has rich experience and resources in the transportation field, while Xiaopeng Motors has strong research and development capabilities and technical strength in the electric vehicle field. The cooperation between the two parties will help promote the application and popularization of smart electric vehicles and related technologies globally, and will also bring new opportunities and challenges for the future development of smart transportation. In the future, we will continue to follow the progress of the cooperation between the two parties and look forward to more remarkable achievements.

According to official data, in July 2023, the monthly vehicle delivery volume of Xiaopeng Motors exceeded 11,000 vehicles again, an increase of 28% compared to the previous month. Among them, Xiaopeng G6 made a significant contribution, with the cumulative delivery volume of Xiaopeng G6 in July exceeding 3,900 vehicles.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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