Extreme Krypton 007 releases six new exterior car colors! Interpreting a new pure electric luxury visual aesthetics.

Experience the Ultimate in Luxury with Extreme Krypton 007's Six Exciting New Exterior Car Colors! Redefining Visual Aesthetics for Pure Electric Vehicles.

【PhoneAuto News】With its beautiful appearance and competitive pre-sale price, the pure electric luxury sedan, the Geeker 007, under Geeker Intelligent Technology, has received much acclaim after its launch. The pre-order volume exceeded 20,000 units in 48 hours! On December 8th, Geeker officially released six exterior colors for the Geeker 007. These six colors, inspired by natural imagery, showcase Geeker’s unique understanding of color aesthetics and complement the minimalist luxury design of the Geeker 007, presenting a new visual aesthetic for pure electric luxury.

As a masterpiece led by world-renowned design master Stephen Shilaff, the Geeker 007 is built using the concept of Hidden Energy. Its proportions reach the optimal visual point of a B-class sedan: length of 4865mm, width of 1900mm, height of 1450mm, wheelbase of 2928mm, and a perfect 1:2 golden wheel-to-body height ratio. Each surface features a luxurious and sleek design, creating the most dynamic and aesthetically pleasing body posture for the Geeker 007. At the same time, the industry-first ZEEKR STARGATE integrated intelligent light curtain brings technology and luxury together, showcasing the technological aesthetics of the Geeker 007 to the fullest.

In order to make the elegant and luxurious appearance stand out, Geeker 007 demonstrates ingenious choices and combinations in the selection of exterior colors. The six exterior colors of the Geeker 007 draw inspiration from the varied colors and shadows under different weather conditions, perfectly complementing the minimalist luxury design and interpreting a new realm of pure electric luxury aesthetics where “all colors are outstanding”. Not only visually stunning, each color of the Geeker 007 also carries rich connotations:

Aurora Brown, with sunlight penetrating the clouds, emitting golden-brown light, symbolizes the beginning of a day in the city under the dawn. Geeker 007 incorporates emotions and warmth into color, giving everyday moments extraordinary meaning and creating a sense of ritual exclusive to users.

Sky Blue, clear blue skies with no clouds, pure blue is the main color of light and the flagship color of the world. Geeker 007 applies this bright blue to its golden proportion body, reflecting on its sleek surfaces, creating a wide-open sky-like view.

Cloudy Silver, a sky filled with clouds, where light and shadows transform mysteriously, emitting a silver-white radiance. Geeker 007 captures a piece of highly textured cloudy silver to cloak its minimalist body, harmonizing perfectly with its hidden front face, composing a light luxurious style.

Smoke-gray, ink-like mountains and rivers, misty drizzling rain, the city is dyed with a poetic atmosphere, and the low saturation creates a high-level gradient of light. The inherent tranquility and external enthusiasm of the smoke-gray blend with the calm and elegance of the extreme level of Krypton 007, highlighting the ultimate state.

Moon-white, a peaceful and calm night, the bright moon rising amidst the clouds, light is the color of the moon, pure and pure white, washing away all the dust. Just like the hidden luxurious design philosophy of extreme level Krypton 007, it echoes with the color aesthetics of moon-white.

Pitch-black night, all light becomes brighter because of the deep night. With the night as the curtain, the vastness of the universe and the vastness of the starry sky bring infinite imagination. Extreme level Krypton 007 grasps the essence of color and creates classics and eternity with an extremely simple black.

Extreme level Krypton 007 will be launched on December 27th at 20:00 and deliveries will begin on January 1st, 2024.

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