Ford electric car users are allowed to access 12,000 sets of Tesla supercharging stations

Ford electric car users can use 12,000 Tesla supercharging stations

【PhoneAuto News】On May 26th, PhoneAuto learned that Ford electric vehicle users have been granted access to 12,000 Tesla supercharging stations.

It is reported that Musk and the CEO of Ford announced that Ford electric vehicle users can access 12,000 Tesla supercharging stations. Ford will be the first major OEM to adopt Tesla’s charging standard. Next-generation Ford electric vehicles will be able to access Tesla’s supercharging stations without a charging adapter. The two sides will build a partnership on multiple charging solutions.

Recently, Ford Motor Company released its first quarter 2023 financial report. The data showed that Ford’s revenue in the first quarter was $41.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of 20%, with a delivery volume of nearly 1.1 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 9%; The first quarter net income was $1.8 billion, adjusted pre-tax profit was $3.4 billion, a year-on-year increase of 45%, and the profit margin was 8.1%; Operating cash flow in the first quarter was $2.8 billion, and adjusted free cash flow was $693 million.

Jim Farley, President and CEO of Ford Motor Company, said that the three independent business units operating around different customer groups enabled the company to achieve steady performance in the first quarter, and the effective implementation of the Ford+ growth plan is evident. In addition, he also stated that “Ford Pro business unit maintains a leading position in profit growth, the company’s large investment in the iconic Ford Blue model has won the favor of customers, and the new measures taken by the Ford Model e to lay out the electric vehicle business are significantly reducing the cost of first-generation electric vehicles while fundamentally accelerating the development of breakthrough electric vehicle products for the next generation.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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