Foreign media predicts iPhone 16 Ultra screen, memory, and fast charging are all ‘super-sized

International Press Anticipates Massive Screen, Memory, and Fast Charging for iPhone 16 Ultra

【Mobile China News】According to Phone China, rumors of the launch of the iPhone Ultra model have been circulating for a long time. There are reports that next year’s iPhone 16 Pro Max will be replaced by the iPhone 16 Ultra. In response to this, some foreign media have said that “Ultra” cannot just be a different name for “Pro Max”. Apple has a lot more to do in order for the iPhone 16 Ultra to stand out.

Foreign media first believe that if you add the word “Ultra” after the product name, it’s best to make it the ultimate version, where everything you can do has to be “extra-large”. In response to this, foreign media said that the iPhone 16 Ultra should have a larger screen than the iPhone 15 Pro Max’s 6.7 inches and be equipped with 12GB of RAM. In addition, the screen refresh rate, storage capacity, charging speed, and all other specifications need to be “larger”. This even includes the optical zoom of the iPhone 16 Ultra, as the 10x optical zoom of the Samsung S23 Ultra shows that Apple has further room for development in this area.

Foreign media also said that an iPhone without any buttons would certainly be unique, but it doesn’t sound practical. Therefore, they predict that the iPhone 16 Ultra might replace physical buttons with solid-state buttons. Additionally, the device might feature the fastest and most energy-efficient version of the A18 chip.

Foreign media believe that iOS 18, which is installed on the iPhone 16 Ultra, will introduce more AI-driven features that older iPhones may not have the processing power for. “If Apple intends to provide people with the ultimate iPhone, the company will ensure that it can do things that other models cannot do, and artificial intelligence seems to be one of the ways to achieve this.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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