Huawei Mate60 has been exposed to some people bidding up prices in Japan and Korea. Foreigners also have to pay more money.

Unscrupulous Bidding for Huawei Mate60 in Japan and Korea Pushes Up Prices, Exploiting Foreign Buyers

【Mobile China News】It is well known that the Huawei Mate60 flagship series is extremely popular in China. Official channels sell out within seconds, and it’s common to see third-party channels selling at inflated prices. However, what is surprising is that the Mate60 series has also sparked a buying frenzy overseas. According to Phone China, a Weibo user recently revealed that “there are people in Japan and South Korea willing to pay extra for the Huawei Mate60 series.” It seems that there is also a lot of interest in the Mate60 series in these countries. However, some netizens believe that it is likely due to the demand from local Chinese residents.

Huawei Mate60 series Huawei Mate60 series

In addition, the user also conducted a satellite messaging test in South Korea using the Huawei Mate X5. They said, “I successfully sent a message via the Beidou satellite using the Huawei Mate X5. We’re leading the way in this wave.” In response, netizens asked, “What does this mean? Wasn’t it supposed to be globally compatible?” The user replied, “Currently, it mainly covers mainland China, Southeast Asia, and Japan and South Korea, which are within the geographical coverage of mainland China.” This indicates that in some neighboring countries of China, the Huawei Mate X5 can send Beidou satellite messages.

Huawei Mate60 sold at inflated prices in Japan and South Korea, even foreigners have to pay more

Huawei Mate60 sold at inflated prices in Japan and South Korea, even foreigners have to pay more

According to official information from Huawei, the use of Beidou satellite messaging is limited to devices sold in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan). The geographic range of use is also limited to mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan). Currently, the Huawei MatePad Pro 11-inch 2024 edition, Huawei Mate X5, and Huawei Mate 60 series are among the models that support sending and receiving Beidou satellite messages. The Huawei Mate50 series and Mate Xs2 series also support sending Beidou satellite messages.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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