Ganjiayue Geely will release the world’s first comprehensive AI model for the automotive industry

Ganjiayue Geely to launch world's first AI model for automotive industry

【Phoneauto News】On July 31st, at today’s internal meeting of Geely Automobile, CEO Gan Jiayue revealed that the company has already developed a full-stack self-developed AI large model technology and plans to release it to the public in the second half of the year.

Geely Group CEO – Gan Jiayue

It is reported that this model will be the world’s first automotive industry full-scenario large model, and also the AI large model with the richest application scenarios. It includes not only painting, music, language, etc., but also the capability of autonomous driving AI large model, achieving full coverage of data models in the range of billions, tens of billions, and hundreds of billions. Among them, AI intelligent interaction technologies such as voice interaction outside the car, AI music MV, AI children’s picture books, WOW wallpaper 1.2 version, etc., have been first introduced on the Geely Galaxy L6, which is expected to be launched in September.

Geely Galaxy L6

According to phoneauto, the Geely Galaxy L6 has a brand-new “Lei Hu·Electric Sensing” appearance, with full visual recognition. The front face adopts a closed grille design, and the addition of vertical lamp groups on both sides also enhances the visual hierarchy of the vehicle. The length, width, and height of the vehicle are 4782mm × 1875mm × 1489mm, and the wheelbase is 2752mm.

Geely Galaxy L6

Regarding power, according to previous application information, the Geely Galaxy L6 may be equipped with the e-CMA intelligent hybrid architecture and the new generation of Thor intelligent hybrid 8848 and Shield battery safety system. This hybrid system consists of the Thor 1.5T hybrid special engine + P1/P2 motor + 3-speed DHT Pro gearbox.

Based on the current information, the Galaxy L6, which is equipped with a large model of a car scene, will be launched in the third quarter of this year, with a price range of 150,000 to 200,000 yuan.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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