Google to pay Samsung $8 billion to buy out default apps on Samsung phones

Google to Pay Samsung $8 Billion for Removal of Default Apps on Samsung Phones

【Mobile China News】Recently, it was reported that Google has paid a fee to companies including Samsung to make their apps default on Android phones.

According to Bloomberg, Google has paid Samsung $8 billion over four years to have its apps pre-installed on Samsung phones and tablets. These apps include Google Assistant, Google Play Store, and Google search engine. James Kolotouros, Vice President of Google’s Partner Management, confirmed this: the company pays Android manufacturers to keep their apps on the home screen.

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Foreign media believes that Google has devised this plan to compete against Android OEM manufacturers. For example, Samsung has its own voice assistant (Bixby) and app store (Galaxy Store). Samsung has also partnered with Meta (Facebook) and Microsoft, with Bing potentially becoming the default search engine on Samsung phones and tablets. If non-Google apps become the default on Samsung devices, it will hinder Google’s control over the Android ecosystem.

Google executives also revealed that Samsung accounts for over half of Google Play Store’s revenue. It is because of this that Google came up with this plan, codenamed “Project Banyan.” It aims to stifle competition by preventing third-party app stores from spreading into the Android ecosystem. This explains why Samsung has abandoned the development of several of its own applications, including Bixby, Play Store, and Samsung Messages.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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