There is significant progress! Toyota announced plans to release solid-state battery-powered cars by 2027

Great news! Toyota plans to launch solid-state battery cars by 2027

【phoneauto News】Recently, phoneauto has noticed that Japanese automaker Toyota has officially announced that they have made significant progress in the development of electric vehicle batteries, with the aim of installing more durable and longer-lasting batteries in their electric vehicles by 2026. Currently, lithium batteries in electric vehicles can travel approximately 530 kilometers on a single charge, while Toyota’s upgraded lithium batteries have a longer lifespan and shorter charging time, allowing for a range of around 1000 kilometers on a single charge. Toyota plans to start installing the newly developed batteries in their electric vehicles by 2026 and introduce electric vehicles with new solid-state batteries by 2027.

Prior to this, in July 2023, Toyota announced that they have been able to reduce the weight, size, and cost of power batteries by half, which could bring significant momentum to the progress of electric vehicles. Currently, Toyota has simplified the production process of materials required for solid-state batteries, which can greatly shorten the charging time and increase the range of the batteries. Keiji Haida, President of Toyota’s Carbon Neutrality Research Center, said, “Whether it is liquid or solid-state batteries, we are committed to changing the current situation of batteries being too large, too heavy, and too expensive. In terms of potential, we will strive to halve these factors.”

At present, it seems that Toyota has made significant progress in the development of solid-state batteries, but there is still a lot of room for development for Toyota in the electric vehicle market. According to Toyota’s financial report, its global vehicle sales in 2022 were 9.6098 million units, breaking historical records and surpassing 2018. However, Toyota’s electric vehicle sales for the same year were only around 24,000 units.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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