Huawei played a good hand in September this year, it was very impressive The blogger sighed and said, What a great victory!

Huawei had an impressive victory in September, the blogger exclaimed

【Phoneauto News】From the launch of the Huawei Mate60 Pro on August 29th to the Huawei Autumn Product Launch on September 25th, Huawei has ignited the entire digital industry in September 2023. Some netizens jokingly said that KFC next door has Crazy Thursday, while Huawei has Crazy One Month. After the Huawei new product launch on September 25th, Phoneauto noticed that some digital bloggers exclaimed that Huawei has really won this month!

This digital blogger said that at the end of August, Huawei pre-sold the Huawei Mate60 series and Huawei Mate X5 through the “Pioneer Program”. Now they are hard to find! In mid-September, Huawei and Silis jointly launched the new Wanjie M7, selling thousands of units per day. Today’s Huawei Autumn Full-Scene New Product Launch not only officially launched the ULTIMATE DESIGN extraordinary master brand but also invited Andy Lau! The first mobile phone product of the brand, Huawei Mate60 RS extraordinary master, also made its appearance! Huawei is truly leading with a great lineup!

Currently, although Huawei’s autumn new product launch has ended, Phoneauto noticed that the discussion and enthusiasm about Huawei’s new products on various social platforms have not decreased at all. From smartphones to tablets, to smartwatches and smart cars, netizens in various circles are very excited about the new products released by Huawei this time. However, after the autumn new product launch, Huawei is not expected to release any other products in the short term. Fortunately, in November and December of this year, Huawei will also participate in the launch of the ZhiJie S7 and WenJie M9.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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