Huawei Insider Hongmeng will form a hard fork situation with Android applications

Huawei Executive Hongmeng to Create Divergent Path with Android Apps

【Mobile China News】In response to the new situation of software and hardware adaptation and industry competition, several internet companies including Netease and Meituan have recently announced job openings related to the Hongmeng system, speeding up the development and transformation of Hongmeng native applications. On November 13, Phone China learned that a person from an internet company explained to the media the reason for the large-scale recruitment of talents, saying, “With Huawei launching Hongmeng native applications, some Android versions of apps are currently incompatible with Hongmeng, and in the future, Hongmeng will have its independent entrance.” An insider from Huawei also revealed to the media, “In the future, Hongmeng will form a hard fork situation with Android applications.”

It is understood that differences in underlying technology architecture, system design concepts, and other aspects determine that Android and Hongmeng system cannot be directly compatible. Behind this is the fact that Hongmeng, Android, and other systems have entered a new stage of ecological competition, forming a pattern of multiple systems coexisting and competing. More and more companies are entering the Hongmeng ecosystem, creating a short-term talent gap in the market, which will also trigger a battle for top-notch Hongmeng professionals.

On a certain job recruitment app, Hongmeng developers have become talents sought after by internet giants such as, WPS Office, Phoenix News, and Weibo, and there are numerous job openings. On one hand, this indicates that these companies are accelerating the development of Hongmeng and recruiting talents for Hongmeng native application development. On the other hand, it shows that in the current employment environment, the demand for Hongmeng developers is high, and they are being competitively sought after by major companies.

In September of this year, Huawei announced the upcoming launch of the new Hongmeng HarmonyOS NEXT, and the full-scale launch of Hongmeng native applications. At once, many partners and developers are speeding up their integration into the Hongmeng ecosystem, and accelerating the development of Hongmeng native applications. Hongmeng developers have become highly sought-after talents in the job market.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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