Huawei is winning big! The enthusiasm for the new M7 model is incredible Sai Li Si says I have never seen such a grand lineup before

Huawei is winning big with the new M7 model The enthusiasm and grand lineup for it are incredible, according to Sai Li Si

【Phoneauto News】With 250,000 yuan in hand, what car would you buy? The New M7 from Wanjie is undoubtedly an option that cannot be ignored. It is clear to everyone how popular this car is now. In less than a month, it has received over 55,000 pre-orders, and Huawei has directly won this round. According to media reports, even insiders at Silesi have said that they have never seen such a situation before and they are already producing and delivering cars at full speed.

Wanjie New M7

The booming market has also brought “sweet troubles” to Wanjie. According to Phoneauto’s understanding, consumers who order a new car now may have to wait for 6-8 weeks at the earliest to receive the car. Although Wanjie’s official statement is that “customers can receive the new car within the year,” the long waiting period for car delivery is indeed a problem for both Huawei and Wanjie. Media analysis suggests that customers who have placed orders are generally unlikely to cancel their orders, but this will also determine whether the New M7 can continue to sell well. After all, there are many examples in which product sales decline due to limited delivery capacity, such as the NIO ET5.

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It is reported that the Phoenix factory, which specializes in producing the Wanjie M7, has an annual production capacity plan of 150,000 vehicles. Currently, Silesi is increasing the supply capacity of the New M7, with a production pace of 450 new cars per day. Starting from November 1st, the daily production capacity will be increased to 750 vehicles. According to media calculations, if we follow the production plan of producing a maximum of 750 cars per day in November, it will take the factory at least two and a half months to complete these 55,000 orders.

It is worth mentioning that in order to ensure smooth delivery, Silesi is urgently recruiting about 1,000 workers and requiring the factory to operate 24 hours a day to deliver the new cars to the first batch of customers as soon as possible.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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