Huawei Kirin 9000S has been confirmed as the first hyper-threading mobile chip, far ahead of its competitors!

Huawei Kirin 9000S is the first hyper-threading mobile chip, ahead of competitors

【PhoneAuto News】On the evening of August 31st, two bloggers on Bilibili confirmed that the Kirin 9000S processor used in the Huawei Mate60 series is an 8-core 12-thread processor, making it the first mobile processor to support hyper-threading.

The Bilibili blogger “Geekerwan” claimed to be the first one on the whole internet to do hyper-threading adaptation and confirmed that the Kirin 9000S is an 8-core 12-thread processor.

The so-called hyper-threading technology simulates two logical cores inside a multi-threaded processor as two physical chips, allowing a single processor to perform thread-level parallel computing and be compatible with multi-threaded operating systems and software. Hyper-threading technology can fully utilize idle CPU resources and complete more work in the same amount of time. In simple terms, it’s like one person being able to do the work of two people.

However, hyper-threading requires high technical requirements, and its CPU needs support from the chipset, operating system, and application software to achieve better results. Since the developers are Huawei’s team, it seems that this technology is already not a problem when it comes to mobile processors.

Another blogger on Bilibili, “GaojiSuo,” also released a video confirming this: “It seems that the self-developed big core and middle core have indeed implemented hyper-threading. It is not surprising that the low load power consumption ratio is good. With the smooth animation of HarmonyOS 4.0, the daily user experience is indeed excellent. The remaining thing is to wait for the energy efficiency curve on”

According to the Antutu platform, the CPU part of the Kirin 9000S uses a 12-core design with a 2+6+4 architecture, including two A34 cores, six custom A78AE cores, and four A510 cores, with a maximum frequency of 2.62GHz; the GPU model is Maleoon 910.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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