Thin and light is just the starting point Huawei Mate X3, with ten powerful features

Huawei Mate X3 goes beyond thin and light, with ten powerful features

【Phoneauto News】At this year’s spring launch event, Huawei brought us the latest masterpiece in the field of foldable flagship phones – the Huawei Mate X3. This model is Huawei’s technological asset and the latest exploration in foldable screen technology, and can be described as an all-around “competitor”.

First of all, Huawei always prioritizes user experience. Two months after the initial release of HarmonyOS 3.1, Huawei listened to user feedback and brought back the highly anticipated always-on display in the system version upgrade of HarmonyOS It also introduced new and convenient features such as 3D dynamic weather AOD and immersive split screen on the large display.

Secondly, Huawei has overcome various pain points of foldable screen phones through its own technological accumulation. Its unique “black technology” brings users a completely different quality and innovative experience compared to other foldable screen phones.

When I first got my hands on the Huawei Mate X3, the first thing I noticed about this “black technology” is its extreme thinness, which is completely different from other foldable screen phones. The weight of the leather version is lighter than some very popular flat-screen models. The extremely thin body thickness, combined with a rounded and comfortable four-curved design, ensures that even with prolonged use, users will not experience hand fatigue, completely eliminating the unpleasant experience of heavy and bulky foldable screen phones.

It is understood that the reason why the Huawei Mate X3 is so thin is that Huawei has developed ultra-thin integrated Type-C devices and wireless charging modules, and has used various high-end self-developed materials such as ultra-light diamond-aluminum, as well as Kunlun glass and non-Newtonian fluid for the inner screen. This enables the Huawei Mate X3 to achieve a perfect “triangular” performance in terms of light weight, drop resistance, and bend resistance. Users can experience the slimness and portability of flat-screen phones in a safe and reliable foldable screen model.

In terms of system, Huawei Mate X3 is tailored for foldable screen smartphones and has deep customization with top apps such as Sina Weibo, Sohu News, and Sohu Video. It brings a new layout optimization, making it more convenient and efficient for users to browse news or view large amounts of content. In addition, both the 6.4-inch external screen and the 7.85-inch internal screen support a high refresh rate of 120Hz. Combined with its unique cross-axis heat dissipation technology, the phone no longer overheats and provides users with an ultimate gaming experience.

As a foldable screen phone, how can it not have the ultimate “performance” in using the large screen? Huawei Mate X3 supports three different multitasking modes: intelligent multi-window, left-right split screen, and top-bottom split screen. It can be said to almost meet all scenarios in daily use. For example, during a video conference, you can directly open the required work files in split screen mode without switching interfaces or use another device to view them. The same applies to entertainment, watching a drama on the upper screen while playing a game on the lower screen, multitasking on one screen, and living efficiently.

Furthermore, Huawei Mate X3 also debuted the powerful Lingxi communication technology, which provides better and more stable signals, allowing users to enjoy a smooth network experience anytime, anywhere. It also supports bidirectional Beidou satellite messaging, ensuring signal reception and transmission even in the most extreme places, providing consumers with a sense of security and better protection.

Translation of the image descriptions:
Image 1: Huawei Mate X3 – A foldable screen smartphone with optimized layout and high refresh rate.
Image 2: Huawei Mate X3 – Multi-tasking modes for various scenarios, such as video conferences and entertainment.
Image 3: Huawei Mate X3 – Global debut of powerful Lingxi communication technology and support for bidirectional Beidou satellite messaging.

Overall, the Huawei Mate X3 is a very excellent foldable flagship smartphone. While continuously allowing users to perceive the advantages of foldable screens, it also solves some difficult-to-overcome pain points of previous similar models. It even surpasses certain flat-screen flagship models in terms of slimness, completely overturning consumers’ inherent understanding of foldable screen smartphones.

In addition, through the Huawei Mate X3 smartphone, one can also see that Huawei has always adhered to the high-end value of the category based on user needs, and has won good brand recognition among user groups, which is far ahead of other manufacturers in the same category. It can be said that the Huawei Mate X3 is a versatile smartphone that is rare in the foldable screen category and is a “versatile” player that subverts the foldable industry.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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