Huawei Mate60 Pro urgently increases production to 20 million units Currently, there is a shortage of stock for all models

Huawei Mate60 Pro production increased to 20 million units due to stock shortage

【Phoneauto News】Huawei’s autumn full-scene new product launch event will be held on September 25th at 2:30 PM. Huawei insiders have confirmed that it will include new phone products. On the same day two years ago, Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou returned to China by plane. On September 14th, Phoneauto noticed that there were reports that due to the popularity of the Mate60 series, which exceeded Huawei’s expectations, the shipment volume of Huawei Mate60 Pro and Mate60 Pro+ has been increased to 20 million units.

According to reports, a senior dealer named Zhang Hua (pseudonym) from a Huawei store in Shanghai said, “The earliest delivery date for pre-orders is in October.” He expects that the supply situation will improve after the Double Eleven (November 11th shopping festival), but the supply will still be tight for the rest of the year. He also revealed that Huawei has 195 brand authorized stores in Shanghai, and if the estimated quantity of 300 Huawei Mate60 pre-orders per store is used, the total pre-order quantity in Shanghai will reach 58,500 units. However, currently only about 30,000 units have been delivered, which means that nearly half of the pre-order customers have not received their phones yet.

Regarding the sales expectations for the Huawei Mate60 series, Zhang Hua is optimistic. He believes that if production capacity is sufficient, the global sales of the Mate60 series are expected to reach 50 million units. This number far exceeds the nearly 10 million units sold of the Mate50 series.

Unable to buy online, waiting for pre-orders offline, even major distribution channels such as can only call out from a distance, saying, “Hey Huawei, lend me a few Mate60 Pros, and I’ll help you with delivery.”

Currently, on second-hand trading platforms such as Xianyu, the price of the Huawei Mate60 Pro 12GB+512GB version is around 7999 yuan, which is an increase of 1000 yuan from the original price of 6999 yuan; the 12GB+1TB version is generally priced at around 8500 yuan, which is an increase of 500 yuan from the original price of 7999 yuan.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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