Huawei Mate60 series raises price with flexible OLED, manufacturer responds

Huawei Mate60 series increases price due to flexible OLED, manufacturer addresses concerns

【Mobile China News】Currently, the Huawei Mate60 series is one of the hottest models on the Chinese market. However, being too popular is not all good news. Currently, the Huawei Mate60 series is still experiencing shortages, and the prices in the second-hand market are much higher than the official prices. At the same time, with the hot sales of the Huawei Mate60 series, there is a sharp increase in demand for domestic flexible OLED panels. Supply chain insiders revealed that domestic flexible OLED panels have started to increase in price, but the increase is within 10%.

Huawei Mate60 series drives up the price of flexible OLED, manufacturer has responded

Recently, regarding the increase in price of domestic flexible OLED panels, Hongxin Electronics stated that the company produces OLED supporting soft boards and there is currently no price increase. Wixino, on the other hand, stated that the company is mainly engaged in the business of flexible OLED-related displays, panels, and components, and needs to confirm with the business department about the situation of panel price increase.

According to industry analysis, due to the traditional industry usually entering the peak season in the third and fourth quarters, the overall demand is currently good, and the demand for flexible OLED panels will continue to grow. The price increase may be influenced by this, but the specific impact still needs further observation. Both companies stated that the impact of the price increase is still unknown. The price increase may increase the company’s revenue, but it may also increase costs, so the final impact is uncertain. Both companies need further understanding of the situation regarding the price increase in order to make decisions.

It is worth mentioning that earlier there were rumors that the supplier of the under-display optical fingerprint module for the Huawei Mate 60 series products had increased prices by 15%-20%, and some models had increased by 30%. However, the responses from the relevant manufacturers were all “have not received or issued any price increase notice”.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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