Huawei to collaborate with Arter overseas! Smart car exports take priority

Huawei partners with Arter for international expansion! Focus on exporting smart car technology

【PhoneAuto News】According to reports, on October 30th, President Chi Linchun of Huawei’s Intelligent Car Solutions BU Marketing and Sales Service Department led the Huawei Intelligent Car team on a visit to ALtCar, where they conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on intelligent car technology, and reached a consensus on joint overseas cooperation.

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Currently, Huawei is accelerating its investment in the field of intelligent cars. From this signing, it can be seen that Huawei’s intelligent car overseas business is also being prepared.

AlTCar may not be familiar to many people. According to information, ALt (China) is mainly engaged in automotive, engine, and powertrain design, development, and production-related business. Its predecessor was “Beijing Jingwei All-powerful Technology Co., Ltd.”, established in September 2002. With a management team composed of Tsinghua students and an experienced team of domestic and foreign automotive experts and technicians, ALt fully utilizes the advantages of most technical personnel who have worked in the foreign automotive industry, introduces foreign automotive design technology and talents, and provides extensive technical support and services for domestic and foreign automotive manufacturers in the fields of automotive design and development, engine and powertrain design and development, prototype/ show car manufacturing, vehicle and component testing, and production line improvement.

It is understood that ALt Car has been actively expanding in overseas markets through the “technology + supply chain” strategy. It has achieved preliminary results in Japan, Southeast Asia, and other places, and is preparing to expand into Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions. ALt Car has R&D orders and customer resources at a global level, and also has certain experience in multiple market consumer demand and regulatory requirements, which should be an important factor for cooperation between Huawei Intelligent Car and ALt Car.

Previously, ALt Car and the Japanese semiconductor trading company RYOSAN announced that they had reached a basic agreement to establish a joint venture “Sichuan Xinsijie Technology” (Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China). The new company plans to purchase electronic components such as semiconductors from Japan and supply them to the largest pure electric vehicle (EV) market in the world, China.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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