Huawei is reportedly planning to re-enter the global smartphone market, starting with domestic sales and expanding overseas later

Huawei plans to re-enter global smartphone market, starting with domestic sales and expanding overseas

【Phoneauto News】Since August 29th, Huawei has successively launched a series of new phones such as Mate60 series and Mate X5 without holding a press conference, all equipped with the new Kirin chipset, making many people exclaim that familiar Huawei is finally back. Recently, there is news that Huawei not only plans to return to the domestic market, but also plans to return to the global mobile phone market.


According to “Caijing” magazine, the release of Huawei Mate60 Pro is regarded as the beginning of Huawei’s return to the mobile phone market. Several people close to Huawei have confirmed to “Caijing” that Huawei has launched a comprehensive plan to return to the global mobile phone market, with the domestic market taking the lead and the overseas market following. The breakthroughs in technology over the past three years have laid the foundation for this comeback, and the subsequent launch will focus on products, channels, and markets. An executive from Huawei revealed that Huawei’s China region has already achieved its annual profit target for the first half of this year. His point of view is that it is not a problem for Huawei’s mobile phones to return to their heyday, “just bring back the original team.”

Screenshot of Caijing magazine news

It is reported that Huawei has adjusted its mobile phone shipment target for this year from 30 million units at the beginning of the year to 38 million units (of which 20 million units have been completed). Among the remaining 18 million units, according to Tianfeng Securities analyst Guo Mingchi’s predictions, Mate60 Pro may account for 5.5 to 6 million units. Considering the strong demand for the Mate60 series in the domestic market, achieving this goal does not seem difficult.

In terms of the overseas market, Huawei has also taken action. Although Huawei previously stated that Mate60 Pro will not be available overseas, other phone models have been launched overseas – in May of this year, P60 Pro, foldable Mate X3, and a series of all-scenario ecosystem products were released in Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, and Mexico. In mid-September, Huawei will also launch new smartwatches in Spain.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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