Huawei Smart Life App has been upgraded! New service support entrance added for more convenience

Huawei Smart Life App upgraded with new service support entrance for added convenience

【PhoneAuto News】Huawei Smart Life App has always been committed to providing users with convenient and intelligent life services. On September 4th, Huawei officially announced the new upgrade of Huawei Smart Life App! With the new service support entrance, service access is more convenient, and users can easily enjoy a one-stop service experience.

New upgrade of Huawei Smart Life App

In the new version of Huawei Smart Life App, users can easily find various life services through the new service support entrance. Huawei Smart Life App’s card page has added a service support entrance, which can be added to quickly access high-quality services. At the same time, the device content is also clearer. Multiple service scenarios such as warranty status, featured activities, and problem troubleshooting can all enjoy one-stop service.

The card will intuitively display the device name, estimated warranty expiration date, and in/out-of-warranty status; it will also display device benefits, provide official service guarantees, and offer featured activities, allowing users to master promotional activities and enjoy accurate device model services with convenient exclusive service ordering. It also supports self-help problem troubleshooting. By selecting the corresponding problem description and locating the problem, you can quickly obtain a solution.

For quick service, selecting the service function can easily bring in device information and contact online customer service with one click to solve all problems at once.

New upgrade of Huawei Smart Life App

Huawei Smart Life App is Huawei’s unified management platform for loT smart devices. It can discover, connect, and manage Huawei 8+N smart products, achieve interconnection between smart devices, and create exclusive smart scenes to enjoy a better life.

Huawei Smart Life App can help users quickly grasp smart device connections and operations, making smart device usage more convenient; according to users’ usage habits, it can customize personalized life scenes at will; at the same time, it aggregates recommendation, whole-house, good products, and activity sections to deliver product information in a timely manner.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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