Exposure Huawei smartphones may monopolize satellite communication for a long time, while competing solutions have been eliminated

Huawei smartphones could monopolize satellite communication for an extended period, eliminating competing solutions

【Phoneauto News】On September 14th, Phoneauto noticed that a number of digital bloggers disclosed that Huawei is currently still monopolizing the satellite communication solution. A manufacturer’s flagship smartphone using the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 platform for satellite communication has been discontinued for unknown reasons. Currently, it is still uncertain which manufacturer will be the second to launch a consumer-grade satellite communication smartphone after Huawei. From this perspective, Huawei may continue to monopolize the satellite communication solution for a considerable period of time.

In the second half of 2022, the Huawei Mate50 series will be released. On this smartphone, Huawei has introduced new technology and brought the Beidou satellite messaging function. However, the satellite function of the Huawei Mate50 series still has certain limitations. At the end of August this year, the Huawei Mate60 Pro was officially released. Compared to the Huawei Mate50 series, this smartphone has made significant improvements in satellite functionality and directly supports satellite calls, making it seemingly the first smartphone to support satellite calls.

Huawei phones may monopolize satellite communication for a long time

It is worth mentioning that Professor Lv Tingjie, a professor at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Executive Vice Chairman of the China Information Economics Society, has evaluated Huawei’s satellite communication technology. Professor Lv Tingjie stated that previously, China’s Tian Tong 1 satellite was mainly used for natural disasters or maritime satellite communication, but the previous terminals were particularly large. Therefore, Huawei’s new phones must have made significant breakthroughs in antenna technology and energy consumption technology in order to provide satellite calling functionality on mobile phones, which even SpaceX’s Starlink has not achieved.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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