Huawei Will invest $30 million in the Southern Africa region by 2023

Huawei to invest $30 million in Southern Africa by 2023

【Phoneauto News】Recently, Huawei held the Eco-Connect Sub-Saharan Africa 2023 conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. Phoneauto noticed that Huawei announced at the conference that it will invest $30 million in the construction of the Southern Africa region in 2023.

It is understood that the theme of the Eco-Connect Sub-Saharan Africa 2023 conference is “Leading digital technology, creating new value”, attracting nearly 3,000 partners and customer representatives from more than 10 countries in the region. The conference set up a 2,500 square meter exhibition hall, showcasing a series of products, solutions, and best practices from Huawei in the industry’s digital transformation, which has received widespread attention from the industry.

At the conference, Huawei announced that it will invest $30 million in partner capability enhancement, joint branding activities, joint solution innovation, and local talent development in the Southern Africa region in 2023. According to official introductions, Huawei currently has nearly 3,000 partners in the Southern Africa region, with 90% of sales completed through partners.

In response, Wang Tao, Executive Director, ICT Infrastructure Business Management Committee Director, and President of the Enterprise BG at Huawei, said that in the face of the unstoppable trend of intelligentization, Huawei is committed to providing the industry with the most abundant and leading products and solutions, working with partners to accelerate the digital transformation of various industries.

It is reported that Huawei entered the African market in 1998 and invested in the field of digital economy and communication infrastructure construction, combining with the development characteristics of the local market, creating a new growth curve for business and unleashing the digital productivity of Africa, continuously assisting the digital transformation of African industries.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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