Huawei’s Hongmeng native app speed is equivalent to iOS, with a 20 to 30% improvement in smoothness.

Huawei's Hongmeng operating system boasts native app speed on par with iOS, with an impressive 20-30% increase in smoothness.

[Mobile China News] Huawei has previously launched the HarmonyOS native application development program, attracting a large number of developers to participate in building the HarmonyOS native ecosystem.

Huawei HarmonyOS native app speed comparable to iOS, improves smoothness by 20-30%

On November 17th, according to a blogger’s leak, the launch speed of HarmonyOS native applications has significantly improved compared to Android and is comparable to iOS. The speed of opening ads is also faster. Another digital blogger agrees with this, pointing out that the actual frame-dropping probability of HarmonyOS native applications is greatly reduced, with improved smoothness, reduced power consumption, and multi-terminal integration. Well-adapted software can achieve a smoothness improvement of about 20-30%. Currently, applications running on HarmonyOS 4.0 and above systems are already smooth enough, and future HarmonyOS native applications will be even smoother.

Huawei HarmonyOS native app speed comparable to iOS, improves smoothness by 20-30%

On November 16th, Sina Group and Huawei held the HarmonyOS native application development launch ceremony, officially announcing the development of HarmonyOS native applications for Weibo, Sina News, and other platforms, and launching comprehensive and in-depth cooperation in technological innovation, industrial application, and business cooperation. Since the full launch of HarmonyOS native applications, more and more important internet applications have embraced the HarmonyOS ecosystem, forming a vibrant scene of “HarmonyOS sails rising.” In addition to Weibo, companies such as Meituan and Qunar have also announced cooperation with Huawei to develop HarmonyOS native applications, creating a situation of “hard fork” between HarmonyOS and Android applications. The launch of Huawei’s HarmonyOS native application development program provides developers with a broad platform, which is conducive to building a more prosperous HarmonyOS ecosystem. With more and more companies and developers joining, the HarmonyOS ecosystem is expected to achieve greater breakthroughs and development in the future.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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