Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou 5G is at a turning point of qualitative change, aiming to achieve 5 billion connections by 2030

Huawei's Meng Wanzhou aims to achieve 5 billion 5G connections by 2030, marking a turning point in its development

【PhoneAuto News】On June 28th, PhoneAuto noticed that according to the news released by “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily”, Huawei’s rotating chairman, Meng Wanzhou, stated at the 2023 MWC Shanghai conference that 5G is crossing the turning point from quantitative change to qualitative change. By 2022, China will have 561 million 5G users, and by 2023, there will be 1.5 billion 5G connections worldwide. It is estimated that by 2030, there will be 5 billion 5G connections globally, and the global mobile industry will contribute 6 trillion US dollars (about 43.367 trillion yuan) to GDP.

At the same time, Meng Wanzhou also mentioned that mobile devices, social media, and videos have become the main consumer scenes. The expected scale of global social media goods and services consumption in 2023 is 1 trillion US dollars (about 7.228 billion yuan). The chain reaction triggered by 5G, cloud, and AI allows every “buyer” to become a “seller”, and new business formats emerge endlessly, multiplying the consumer market.

Huawei is quite unique as the chairman position is rotated. Currently, Meng Wanzhou is the highest leader of Huawei during her tenure. Previously, the fourth session of the Huawei Investment Holding Co., Ltd. union representative conference was held at the Huawei Base in Bantian, Shenzhen from March 27th to 28th, 2023. The meeting conducted the board of directors’ re-election. Xu Zhijun, Hu Houkun, and Meng Wanzhou were appointed as the rotating chairman of the company. Among them, Meng Wanzhou’s tenure as rotating chairman lasted from April 1st, 2023, until September 30th, 2023. Subsequently, Hu Houkun will take over as the rotating chairman on October 1st, 2023, and will serve until March 31st, 2024.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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