Ideal Automobile delivered 28,000 new cars in May, with a growth of 146% Monthly revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan

Ideal Automobile delivered 28,000 new cars in May, with a revenue exceeding 10 billion yuan, showing a growth of 146%

【PhoneAuto News】Around 3 pm on June 1st, Ideal Auto finally announced its latest market performance. As expected, it was another beautiful report. According to official information, in May 2023, Ideal Auto delivered 28,277 new cars to consumers, an increase of 146% compared to the same period last year. Currently, Ideal Auto has achieved a delivery of over 20,000 vehicles for three consecutive months. At the same time, the delivery volume of Ideal L7, a subsidiary of Ideal Auto, has exceeded 10,000 for two consecutive months. In addition, as of May 31, 2023, Ideal Auto has delivered a total of 363,876 vehicles.

Ideal Auto

Ideal Auto Chairman and CEO Li Xiang said: “In May, Ideal Auto’s operating income (including VAT) exceeded RMB 10 billion for the first time in the company’s history, laying a solid foundation for achieving the goal of breaking RMB 100 billion in operating income in 2023. The comprehensive upgrade of organizational processes has brought about an overall improvement in Ideal Auto’s operational capabilities, and has also led to a spiral increase in operational quality and efficiency. Smart electric vehicles and organizational processes are the two most important products of Ideal Auto.”

Ideal Auto’s delivery data for May

According to several rankings released by Ideal Auto before, if excluding GAC Aion, Ideal Auto should be the automaker with the highest sales volume, which is several times more than its competitors. At the same time, Ideal Auto has also achieved very good results in the high-end automobile market. Currently, its sales volume seems to be second only to Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Tesla, making it the fifth-largest luxury automobile brand in China and the highest-selling Chinese domestic luxury automobile brand.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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