The 500,000th car of Ideal Automobiles rolls off the assembly line, achieving a production of 100,000 cars in just 100 days

Ideal Automobiles produced its 500,000th car, reaching a remarkable milestone of 100,000 cars in just 100 days

【Phoneauto News】On September 25th, Phoneauto noticed that Ideal Auto announced an important milestone today – the official production of the 500,000th vehicle at its intelligent manufacturing base in Changzhou. This marks the achievement of Ideal Auto, a new force in the Chinese automotive industry, in producing 500,000 vehicles in just over four years, from scratch to success.

Since the first Ideal ONE rolled off the production line in November 2019, Ideal Auto has been developing at an astonishing speed. After 47 months, Ideal Auto successfully produced 500,000 vehicles, surpassing any other new energy vehicle company in China.

The 500,000th vehicle is also one of the first batch of Ideal L7, the flagship SUV of Ideal Auto. Since its release, Ideal L7 has been the best-selling mid-to-large-sized SUV for six consecutive months and topped the cumulative sales ranking from January to August, becoming the new champion in the mid-to-large-sized five-seat SUV segment. Its outstanding performance undoubtedly strengthens the brand image of Ideal Auto.

It is worth mentioning that Ideal Auto only took 100 days from the production of the 400,000th vehicle to the production of the 500,000th vehicle, which is an astonishing speed. This not only demonstrates Ideal Auto’s strong production capability but also reflects the market’s strong recognition of Ideal Auto.

Looking ahead, Ideal Auto will continue to create a mobile home and provide consumers with a more convenient, comfortable, and happy lifestyle. In the fourth quarter, Ideal Auto will continue to focus on the Ideal L series models and aim to deliver 40,000 vehicles per month.

At the same time, Ideal Auto will launch a brand-new MEGA model in December this year. With its excellent performance and innovative technological configuration, this new vehicle will meet consumers’ higher demands. We have reason to believe that this new model will become the new sales champion in the price range above 500,000 and further lead the development of Ideal Auto.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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