Ideal Car welcomes OTA 45 version of the car system upgrade! Added child mode

Ideal Car introduces OTA 45 system upgrade with child mode

【PhoneAuto News】On May 22nd, Ideal Auto announced that it will push OTA version 4.5 of the car system for Ideal L9, Ideal L8, and Ideal L7 users starting from May 26th, 2023. It is reported that the new version adds a tuning master function and a little owner mode, and optimizes the navigation experience, software applications, and other aspects.

Specifically, the newly added tuning master function supports creating custom sound effects and convenient sharing among car friends; the new automatic ambient light function can automatically turn off/turn on the ambient light according to the sunrise/sunset time; the new gesture interaction out-of-bounds reminder for the rear entertainment screen, when the gesture moves out of the best recognition area, the gesture cursor on the screen will become lighter; the central control screen EID vehicle model displays the license plate number; upgrades the panoramic image vehicle model display effect and upgrades the self-developed 3D rendering engine, improving the quality of the vehicle model; adds the “voiceprint recognition” function.

In terms of applications, the new system adds practical functions for map navigation; adds support for sending location to the car map from mobile applications such as “Baidu Maps, Meituan, and Dianping”; adds iQiyi audio playback function, which can switch on the video playback page, allowing you to “listen to videos” while driving; adds the “Children’s Songs” application, which selects high-quality content such as children’s songs, story animations, and interesting nursery rhymes; adds the “CITIC Book Academy” application, providing high-quality audiobooks content and creating a “walking library”.

Regarding Ideal classmates, the new system upgrades the full-stack self-developed engine, comprehensively improving the voice wake-up rate, recognition accuracy, and instruction execution speed; adds the “voiceprint recognition” function, allowing Ideal classmates to recognize “your voice”, call out “your name”, and remember “your location”; adds the function of controlling the designated location vehicle through the voiceprint nickname; adds the “listening waiting” function, etc.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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