Which brand sells the best among car models priced above 300,000 yuan? Ideal is very close to the top three, surpassing Audi

Ideal is one of the top-selling car brands priced above 300,000 yuan, closely competing with the top three brands, even surpassing Audi

【Phoneauto News】According to the latest sales data summarized by netizens, the sales volume of car models priced over 300,000 yuan in the domestic car market reached 269,000 units in August, accounting for 14.3% of the entire market. This data shows that the competition in the high-end car market is increasingly fierce. In terms of brand ranking, the fact that Lixiang surpassed Audi and squeezed into the top three is a major highlight.

Lixiang Automobile

Among many high-end brands, BMW ranked first with sales of 44,688 units, accounting for a market share of 16.57%. This is mainly attributed to its successful domestic strategy, especially the impressive performance of the BMW X5L. Following closely behind is Mercedes-Benz, with sales of 44,165 units and a market share of 16.38%. Although Mercedes-Benz’s price distribution shows a polarized trend, its sales remain stable.

Image Source: Weibo

Lixiang Automobile ranked third with sales of 33,885 units, accounting for a market share of 12.57%, demonstrating commendable performance. In addition, Audi ranked fourth with sales of 33,540 units, accounting for a market share of 12.44%. Although some people question whether Audi is now only a representative of second-tier luxury brands, this data is enough to refute this view.

Surprisingly, Toyota ranked fifth with sales of 15,758 units, accounting for a market share of 5.84%. NIO ranked sixth with sales of 12,053 units, accounting for a market share of 4.47%. Volvo ranked seventh with sales of 11,462 units, accounting for a market share of 4.25%, and is about to be surpassed by Tengshi. Lexus ranked eighth with sales of 9,374 units, accounting for a market share of 3.48%. Although it has declined by 16% compared to the same period last year, it is not easy to maintain a top ten position in such fierce competition. Porsche ranked tenth with sales of 5,042 units, accounting for a market share of 1.87%.

Overall, the competition in the high-end car market is becoming increasingly fierce. Major brands are striving to increase their market share in order to establish a strong foothold in this highly competitive market. For consumers, this means they will have more high-quality choices.

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