Ideal Magic Carpet Air Suspension 20 is now available for push notifications via OTA The following features have been added

Ideal Magic Carpet Air Suspension 20 now supports push notifications via OTA New features added

【Phoneauto News】On August 10th, Phoneauto learned from the official website of Li Xiang that the Ideal Magic Carpet Air Suspension 2.0 has officially started to be pushed through OTA 4.5.3. In the upgraded car interface, the Ideal Magic Carpet Air Suspension 2.0 will provide two modes, “Comfort Magic Carpet” and “Sport Magic Carpet”, with six options.

Ideal Automobile

According to official information, the newly added “Sport Magic Carpet” also provides three comfort modes: comfort, standard, and sport. The vertical and lateral body control of the Sport Magic Carpet has been improved. In terms of lateral control, it reduces body roll when changing lanes or turning, giving the driver full confidence and a sense of safety when cornering. In terms of vertical control, it improves pitch during acceleration and braking, allowing passengers in the car to say goodbye to motion sickness.

In addition, OTA 4.5.3 optimizes the seat ventilation performance of the Ideal L series models, increasing the ventilation volume in all three modes. OTA 4.5.3 will also introduce a new feature for the Ideal L series models – the “Rapid Cooling” mobile app. Before getting in the car, users can open the “Rapid Cooling” function in the Ideal Automobile app, and the remote air conditioning system will automatically set the target temperature to 16℃ and activate the highest level of automatic air conditioning to achieve the best cooling efficiency. After the user gets in the car, the local air conditioning settings will be restored. It is worth noting that the Ideal Automobile app’s “Rapid Cooling” function requires a software update to version 6.28.0, which will be released in mid-August.

It is worth mentioning that in a recent summer testing result published on a certain platform, both the Ideal L8 and Ideal L9 received the highest evaluation of G (Excellent) in the high-temperature air conditioning cooling test. After being exposed to high temperatures for 4 hours, the temperature inside the Ideal L9 was reduced by 22 degrees in 15 minutes, while the Ideal L8 was reduced by 20.6 degrees. The air conditioning system has excellent cooling capabilities under high heat conditions.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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