Toyota tops the list! In September, the number of domestic car complaints reached a new record high, exceeding 18,000 cases

In September, Toyota had the highest number of domestic car complaints, exceeding 18,000 cases, setting a new record high

【Phoneauto News】Recently, released the ranking and analysis report of domestic car complaints in September. According to’s statistics, a total of 18,759 valid complaints from car owners were received in September (including 14 complaints from third-party platforms and aftermarket tires), which increased by 4.9% compared to the previous month and increased by 39.5% compared to the same period last year, once again breaking the record for the highest monthly complaint volume since the establishment of


The data shows that this month, received a total of 773 models involved in valid complaints, including 165 models with double-digit complaints or more. In addition, received a total of 18,348 replies from automakers regarding complaints this month (including some replies from previous months). After excluding the information where complainants voluntarily withdrew their complaints due to the satisfactory resolution by the automakers, released the top 30 ranking list of car series (models) in terms of complaints in September.

Top 30 ranking list of car series (models) in terms of complaints in September

In this ranking list, Toyota undoubtedly takes the top five spots. FAW Toyota has become the area with the most complaints, with a total of 6 models on the complaint list, covering the majority of its best-selling models. The complaints mainly focus on “dashboard cracking,” “component aging,” and “system upgrade issues.” Among them, 4 models are among the top five in the list, especially the second-ranked FAW Toyota RAV4, which has seen a more than 5-fold increase in complaints compared to the previous month.

Percentage of brand type complaints in September

In September, the number of complaints for domestic brands saw a significant decline, with a month-on-month decrease of 28.4%, and the proportion of complaints dropped to below 50%. In contrast, the number of complaints for joint venture brands exceeded 10,000 for the first time this month, with a month-on-month increase of 45.6%. Both the number of complaints and the proportion set new historical records. Apart from American and Japanese brands, the number of complaints for brands from other countries showed varying degrees of decline compared to the previous month, with the largest decrease seen in domestic brands. In contrast, the number of complaints and the proportion for American and Japanese brands both increased significantly compared to August, with a 40.8% month-on-month increase in complaints for Japanese brands, mainly coming from certain Toyota models.

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