The iPhone 15, priced at 6000 yuan, still uses USB 20? Even Xiaomi doesn’t do that anymore

iPhone 15 priced at 6000 yuan, still using USB 20? Even Xiaomi has moved on

【Phoneauto News】In the early morning of September 12th, Apple officially released the new iPhone 15 series, with the cheapest iPhone 15 starting at a price of 5999 yuan. However, some keen-eyed netizens noticed that on the official Apple website, both the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus still use the USB 2.0 specification interface.

iPhone 15

In the official Apple Store, when entering the purchase page for the iPhone 15/Plus and checking the phone specifications, it can be found that in the charging and peripheral expansion section, the new phone has changed to a USB-C interface, which supports charging and DisplayPort output. However, the transfer speed still only supports the USB 2.0 transmission speed, with Apple stating that the maximum transfer rate is up to 480Mb/s. As a phone with a price tag of nearly 6000 yuan, this speed is indeed a bit unacceptable.

iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 comparison

Previously, Xiaomi was criticized by many Xiaomi users for using the “ancestral” USB 2.0 interface. On the Xiaomi 13 Standard Edition, Xiaomi received criticism for using USB 2.0. And on the subsequent Xiaomi 13 Ultra, Xiaomi also made a “painful” change and used the new USB 3.0, which greatly improved the transfer speed compared to 2.0.

Although the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus still use the USB 2.0 interface, the iPhone 15 Pro series adopts USB 3.0, which can achieve a transfer speed increase of up to 20 times compared to USB 2.0. It seems that the iPhone 15 series and the iPhone 15 Pro series still maintain a strict hierarchy. However, it is somewhat inappropriate for a high-end phone to differentiate in this aspect.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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