Huawei Mate60 series leaked a large number of real machine photos Is this design going to sell like hotcakes?

Is Huawei Mate60 series design going to sell like hotcakes with the leaked real machine photos?

【Phoneauto News】On August 28th, Phoneauto noticed that a number of digital bloggers have released a large number of real photos suspected to be the Huawei Mate60 series models. In the pictures, a large number of Huawei phones are neatly arranged, seemingly not yet placed in the final retail packaging. The blogger stated that the Huawei Mate60 has already completed production on the assembly line.

We can see that the Huawei Mate60 series models in the pictures mainly come in two color schemes. One is pure black, but there are a few white design elements on the back. The design of the other Huawei Mate60 series model is quite interesting, featuring a color-blocking design with a white body that has a purple hue, very attractive. It is worth mentioning that previous Huawei Mate phones seem to have never used color-blocking design. As for the rear cameras, both models have circular-shaped rear cameras, similar to the halo design that appeared on the Huawei Mate40 series before, but with some significant changes. Overall, the design of the Huawei Mate60 series models this time is still very exquisite and highly recognizable.

According to the current leaked information, the Huawei Mate60 series models are scheduled to be released on September 12th in the afternoon, but Huawei has not yet confirmed this news. At the same time, there are leaks that the Mate60 series will adopt a dynamic island design similar to Apple, but there are also leaks that the new phone will have a three-hole design. The leaked real photos do not include the front view of this phone, so we may still need to wait for the official release to know the specific details. In addition, there have been continuous rumors that the Huawei Mate60 series will have some models that support 5G network connectivity. However, some netizens speculate that due to shortage and price increases, purchasing a Huawei Mate60 Pro 5G version may cost over ten thousand yuan.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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