Jaguar Land Rover CEO Jaguar’s past has been somewhat mediocre, and the brand will be revitalized through electrification

Jaguar Land Rover CEO's past has been average, but the brand will be revived with electrification

【Phoneauto News】Recently, according to foreign media reports, Adrian Mardell, CEO of Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), candidly discussed the current situation of the Jaguar brand at an investor conference. He admitted that past decisions have led to the decline of the Jaguar brand. The original plan was to make Jaguar a British version of BMW to attract more luxury car buyers, but it was not successful. This has caused the Jaguar brand to be seen as “mediocre” and “without any brand value.”


In order to revitalize the Jaguar brand, Jaguar Land Rover has a grand plan. Jaguar will elevate its market positioning to compete with brands such as Porsche, Bentley, and Maybach. In addition, Jaguar will transform itself into a pure electric brand and launch high-profit, low-volume products. The future models will have highly distinctive designs. Mardell said, “We won’t worry about whether everyone will like it.” He also said that trying to please everyone is a “kiss of death” and a reason for the brand’s predicament.

These newly launched electric vehicles will not be sold at all Jaguar Land Rover dealerships, but are planned to be sold in boutique stores specifically set up for Jaguar products. The North American market is seen as a key market for brand revival. Mardell said that 25 years ago, Jaguar was very successful in the North American market, but the situation changed due to subsequent compromises and wrong decisions. “There are 20 million millionaires in the United States. So, a low-volume, high-priced positioning is definitely the right choice for Jaguar today.”

2024 Jaguar F-Type

Regarding the details of the new model, Jaguar is developing a JEA platform for the first batch of three electric vehicles. The first one to be launched will be a four-door GT car with a range of 700 kilometers, expected to have a starting price of 100,000 pounds (approximately 917,400 yuan). This new car’s power exceeds any previous fuel-powered Jaguar. This new model will be produced at the Solihull factory in the UK. More details about this sports car will be announced later this year, with an expected market release in 2024 in some markets. Customer deliveries will begin in 2025.

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