Jaguar sued for defects in I-Pace battery, is LG New Energy to blame again?

'Jaguar sued over I-Pace battery defects, is LG New Energy at fault again?'

【Phoneauto News】The Jaguar I-Pace is a luxury electric crossover vehicle that has attracted many consumers with its dynamic appearance, powerful performance, and luxurious features. However, recently, this car has been involved in a legal dispute due to defects in its battery system. According to InsideEVs, Jaguar Land Rover North America (JLRNA) is facing a class-action lawsuit alleging that its 2019 to 2024 models of the I-Pace are equipped with defective battery systems that could cause overheating, fires, and pose risks to personal and property safety.

Jaguar I-Pace

According to the lawsuit documents, JLRNA issued a product recall notice in May 2023, acknowledging the battery system defects in the I-Pace models. However, the plaintiffs argue that JLRNA knew about these defects before issuing the recall notice and deliberately concealed it from consumers. The plaintiffs also point out that JLRNA did not provide an effective solution but instead advised consumers not to charge their vehicles beyond 75% or park/charge them indoors. The software update mentioned in the recall notice only added warnings for overheating or fires but did not eliminate these risks. Furthermore, the software update also restricts the vehicle’s charging capacity, affecting its driving range.

One of the representatives for the plaintiffs is a woman from California who purchased a 2020 model of the I-Pace in 2019. She stated that her vehicle experienced a high-voltage battery failure in February 2021 and was towed to a repair station. In April 2023, her vehicle experienced another battery failure and suddenly stalled while driving, leaving her stranded on the road. She is very dissatisfied with how JLRNA has handled this matter and has decided to file a lawsuit.

Jaguar I-Pace Fire

In fact, similar incidents are not uncommon. According to foreign media reports, as early as 2021, I-Pace owners have reported fires in their vehicles while charging. In the summer of 2022, a fire incident involving an I-Pace also occurred in Florida. These incidents are related to the LG Energy Solution batteries used in the I-Pace. These batteries are also used in other electric vehicles such as the Chevrolet Bolt and Hyundai Kona Electric. These vehicles have also been recalled due to battery fires, and LG Energy Solution has agreed to compensate General Motors and Hyundai for the damages.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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